At some stages of our life, we may have big questions come up our mind such as: Where was I before birth? Where am I going to after death? What I am here for?
I remember it was in my pre-school age when I asked my mother, for the first time, where I was from. I remember the answer given was that I was popping out from a big stone. Though I believed what I was told then, the same question had been asked by me at various stages of my life again and again, and the answers were different one another.
The answer of this question is not just something as that is explained in the biology textbook. I think all of us are born to be with some degree of a philosopher’s mind. That’s why, in my personal example, I kept on asking and considering over the same question. All sort of answers and theories were never satisfactory to me, and I think this applies to everyone else, because the real truth is not yet found.

Because it is such a big question that the answer is beyond the capability of any language to describe to make it understandable to us. That’s why Buddha taught us eighty four thousand methods in his 49 years of lecturing. He assured that by practicing the most suitable method he had taught, we will finally get enlightenment and fully understand the truth of life and the whole universe. The truth can only be experienced, and can not be really understood by means of words.

Well, my fellow answer seekers, let’s set off for the journey of seeking the answer. May whoever reaches the goal remember to come back to help the others.