The 8th of October 2008 is the 21st birthday of my son, Chenny. Although 21st birthday is a big celebration to all young people, but did not seem to be so to him, because he was busy in preparing the term exam. His girlfriend secretly organized a birthday party in a restaurant, called him up that night, asked him to be present, and pushed him into the hall blindfolded to make him a surprise. When Chenny told me what happened in the party, I thought after all girls were more thoughtful.

Early that morning, she boiled two eggs, dyed them into red, wrote “Happy 21st birthday“on both, and placed them on the table. When he came to the dining table and saw these lovely red things, he smiled a while but looked a bit confused as if asking “Is this for my 21st birthday?”
What my wife planned to do was to give a speech about the real meaning of celebrating a birthday when Chenny saw the red eggs. Anyway Chenny’s 21st birthday celebration from his parents is very culturally special and unforgettable to him.
The speech my wife delivered that morning was like this:
Son, it is ok to hold a joyful party in a format of food, drink, friends, and fun for your birthday today. But I want to use of this opportunity to tell you how children of our generation celebrate their birthdays, and what we all should bear in mind on our birthdays.
When we were young, the economy in Taiwan was not good. Birthday cake with candles was never heard of let along a birthday party. Yet, as parents, they wanted to do something special on their children’s birthday. Early in the morning, my mother already boiled two eggs and dyed them in red after they were cooled down a bit. As soon as I was leaving for school, she gave me a pat on my head, told me it was my birthday, prayed in murmur that I should grow into a healthy decent person, and put the still-warm eggs into my pocket. Then waved me good bye by the door step. The warmth and the red colour of the eggs in the pocket gave me a special feeling of birthday whole day long.
It is now the 21st century. People already forgot those days when material was not abundant as today. Birthday party in general becomes an occasion of eating, drinking and having fun. Very few will ever visualize the scene in the maternity ward of hospital where mother is bearing the agonizing pain till her baby is given birth.
As this is your 21st birthday, a day that means so much to you, so we decided to celebrate it uniquely for you by reversing the style that is followed by today’s society. Mum and dad’s blessing is more meaningful than a big party dinner. Also important is that a birthday should be the day to thank mother’s love. We wish you keep growing into a healthy and noble person.
After the speech, Chenny smiled sheepishly and gave us a hug and left for school with those two red eggs in his bag. This 21st birthday of Chenny’s is indeed a very unique one.