"Swishing mouth with oil?" What are you talking about?
I have never heard of swishing mouth with oil. I use tap water of course. It has been my everyday ritual. It is water only that people, wherever they are, use to swish around inside their mouth when they need to.
But since the night when I watched the video my internet circulation provider sent to me via Line messenger, I was introduced to this alternative oral hygienic remedy, oil pulling, firstly adopted by ancient Indian civilization. Semi convinced by the testimonies presented on the health promoting TV show that I had just watched with my wife. We immediately went to do a trial by swishing a table spoonful of the cooking oil from our kitchen thoroughly and vigorously around the areas of our teeth and gum for a duration of about 10 minutes, then spit the compound in the drain. We are pretty sure it will not clog the drainage because we don't use saturated acid fat which is possibly turning to solid state and block the pipe in due course.
Emmm. They are right, I felt fresh in my mouth after the swishing. Completely opposite to my assumption of a greasy or gluey sensation afterward. If their claim in the TV show is reliable, then the other benefits of this therapy should be good to me because I have had gum disease for about 20 years now. As far as I can remember there is not a single day I don't see any trace of blood mixed in the foamy spit when I have done my tooth brushing. And the gum disease is one of the major problems this Indian technique can look after.
Surprisingly, from the second day of my adoption of this daily rit, I noticed the foamy spit after I finished my teeth brushing was dramatically reduced with blood. The day after it still indicated a low level of bleeding. My wife's view is positive too. Her tooth issue is far more serious than mine. She usually feels some of her teeth are going to trouble her with discomfort, but after she commenced this therapy she claimed not only her gum disease is no longer dyeing her foamy spit to red, the feeling of a toothache hit is zero.
Folks, it should do no harm to any aspect of our health practicing this therapy, If I came out of the test safe with so much benefits, it is worthwhile for you to go ahead without hesitance for the sake of your well-being.
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