Thursday, July 16, 2020

Learning sketch

One of my friends who is an innate artistic person whom you can find that almost every thing of hers is modified to be artistically eye-catching. For example, once she gave us a tea towel as gift which was made out of 3 different materials: retired bath towel, lace and satin ribbon.
The lace and the satin ribbon are stitched to the towel to become a more attractive handicraft good for giving away as souvenir.

From that episode onward I noticed that she was really a multiple talented artistic type of person as I got to know her more she was not only good at making handicrafts but also good at photography, oil painting, water color, pencil sketch and cooking. And I noticed that the reason she could be good at so many different artistic skills is from her diligence in learning by either self-taught or through fee paying tuition. To my view point she is indeed a great learner. What she got out of all the hard working? Decent quality of life that is full of beauty.
Following her path, I started my sketch learning by way of the free sketch teaching from YouTube late June 2020. Apple was the first object of my practice.
One month has passed yet I am still struggling with the creation of a sensible and balanced highlight, midtone and dark shadow across the area of the apple.

I always send a copy of my work to her. I know it's difficult to comment on a beginner's work. But my submission doesn't seem to bother her as each time the return comes back with encouraging words and brief advice.

There is a saying in Taiwan which goes "it's hard to find a good friend, it's even more difficult to find an excellent teacher. It's almost impossible to befriend with the teacher." How lucky I am that I did it.
a beginner's works.

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